Doctorate Title: The experiences of Paramedics in a UK ambulance service attending victims of domestic violence and abuse: A narrative inquiry.
Doctorate Description: This study aims to explore the experiences of HCPC registered Paramedics responding to people who have experienced or disclose domestic violence and abuse (DVA). This hopes to make visible the complexities and challenges they encounter and how they make sense of these situations. I will be using a narrative inquiry method to collect, analyse, and interpret the stories of UK paramedics who have attended people who have experienced DVA. Through storytelling, paramedics will be able to prioritise, structure, frame and sequence their thoughts to create meaning from their experiences .The study aims to a offer contextualised understanding of the experiences of paramedics who work in a UK NHS Ambulance Trust. The study aims to add to academic knowledge and professional debate, enabling development of future research, education and clinical practice.