Kim Kirby


Kim Kirby

United Kingdom

Doctorate Title: Improving the Emergency Medical Service recognition and response for patients who are at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Doctorate Description: Current international guidelines and the associated “chain of survival” emphasise the recognition of critically unwell patients in the community followed by an efficient response in the hope of preventing out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, which occurs when the heart stops beating suddenly. This thesis investigates how Emergency Medical (ambulance) Services can improve their recognition and response to patients who are at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest to reduce mortality and improve outcomes. 
Four distinct studies were completed: 

a) Systematic mixed studies review; 
b) Retrospective observational study of Emergency Medical Services call triage and the outcome of patients at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; 
c) Conversation analysis of the Emergency Medical Services call; 
d) Interviews with Emergency Operations Centre staff.


Type: PhD
University: University of the West Of England
Primary Supervisor: Professor Jonathan Benger
Category: Cardiac Arrest
Funding: HEE/NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship
Start Date: 2019
End Date: 2022
Status: Complete



Research Interests

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, EMS triage, end-of-life.


Identifying patients at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during the Emergency Medical call: The views of call-takers. Resuscitation Plus, 16, Article 100490.

Features of Emergency Medical System calls that facilitate or inhibit Emergency Medical Dispatcher recognition that a patient is in, or at imminent risk of, cardiac arrest: A systematic mixed studies review
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