Matt Capsey


Matt Capsey

United Kingdom

Doctorate Title: Investigation into the Use of Emergency Medical Services by Patients with Back Pain.

Doctorate Description: 
Introduction: Demand for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is increasing, but some cases, like people with back pain, may be more appropriate for primary care services. Currently, little is known about EMS use by those presenting with back pain and the care they receive. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the use of EMS in the UK by patients experiencing back pain.

Methods: Four studies were undertaken. A scoping review explored the current literature. Two quantitative studies investigated EMS use in the UK, in a hospital ED and an ambulance service. The final study qualitatively explored EMS clinicians’ experiences of treating people with back pain.

Results: There is increasing research interest in the management of back pain in EMS. Most studies assess the care provided against primary care guidelines. However, eimmerging literature suggests a different population present to EMS. The two quantitative studies demonstrated that patients experiencing back pain were 1%-2% of the total presenting to EMS. They have higher rates of serious and non-spinal pathology, compared to the primary care literature. 
Entonox was the analgesic used most frequently by ambulance clinicians. Whilst it is not mentioned in any guidelines, many other analgesics used in EMS are contrary to current guidance. EMS clinicians recognised EMS as a legitimate choice for patients experiencing distressing symptoms or struggling to access primary care. EMS clinicians focus on identifying serious pathologies, are confident in their management of these patients, and often base treatment on their own and others’ experiences.

Discussion: There is a sizeable minority of the EMS back pain population with potentially serious, often non-spinal, pathology. Ambulance clinicians often manage patients experiencing immobilising acute episodes of back pain, commonly using non-guideline compliant methods. This suggests current, primary care focused, guidelines, are inadequate and there is a need for EMS specific guidelines.


Type: PhD
University: Teesside University
Primary Supervisor: Prof Cormac Ryan
Category: Other
Start Date: 2016
End Date: 2023
Status: Complete



Research Interests

Pain, Under-served communities, Public decision-making on access.


ORCID: 0000-0003-3659-5344

Capsey, M. et al. (2018) ‘Utilisation and Experience of Emergency Medical Services by patients with Back Pain: A Scoping Review Protocol’, Pain & Rehabilitation- the Journal of Physiotherapy Pain Association, (49), pp. 30–36.

Capsey, M., Ryan, C., Alexanders, J., et al. (2022) ‘Ambulance service use by patients with lower back pain: an observational study’, British Paramedic Journal, 6(4), pp. 11–17.

Capsey, M., Ryan, C., Mankelow, J., et al. (2022) ‘Emergency department use by people with back pain: An investigation’, British Journal of Pain, 2022(0), pp. 1–8.

Capsey, M., Ryan, C., Mankelow, J., Martin, D. (20234) ‘Utilisation and Experience of Emergency Medical Services by patients with Back Pain: A Scoping Review’, (Musculoskeletal Science and Practice)

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