Doctorate Title: Academicization of paramedics – a model for the future?
Doctorate Description: Patient safety as the standard for the professional care of (emergency) patients in Germany, with a competence-oriented approach. With the job profile of emergency paramedics, preclinical general care professionalized with regard to training. This thesis discusses the need to expand competencies from a pedagogical perspective as a problem in a constantly challenging line of work. The concept of ‘patient safety’ serves as an ethical and moral compass. Further aspects are psychosocial, palliative and ambulant care (keyword: community paramedic). Based on the training model of Switzerland (academic qualification since 2008 as a Dipl. RettSan), the thesis critically examines subject didactics and teaching-learning psychology. In addition, a necessary interdependence between theory and practice is developed. The aim of this thesis is to offer future emergency paramedics a scientifically sound, professionalized ability to act and to ensure sustainable attractiveness. The study design combines theoretical approaches with qualitative social research on the basis of expert interviews. Furthermore, a comparative country analysis is provided. Adding the aspect of academization with all related sciences step-by-step to the dual education system is being developed as an important approach to solving future challenges.