Doctorate Title: Simulation in healthcare, an educational tool for changing the quality of life at work among anesthesia and intensive care professionals.
Doctorate Description: Professional in healthcare are particularly affected by the problems related to stress. Those who perform in anesthesia and intensive care unit have an increased risk. The health sector and the health of individuals are at the heart of change (Rhéaume, 2002; Bedin, 2013; Marcel, 2014). The training of practitioners has evolved to a competency-based approach and integrates simulation as method of developing these skills. In this context, we have tried to highlight the impact of full-scale simulation of critical situation (Pastré, 2010) on stress, anxiety, burnout and ultimately on the quality of working life of the participants. For this purpose, we conducted, as part of a quasi-experimental approach, an exploratory phase 1, with 50 students in nursing to test three scales relating to anxiety and burnout. During phase 2, we attended simulation sessions with caregivers practicing anesthesia for one year and we tested 209 professionals. They filled in the scales before and after the simulation session. Finally, in phase 3, we sought to highlight the effect of simulation on clinical stress of 215 nursing students. We show the positive effects that simulation seems to have on participants’ stress, burnout, anxiety and anxious personality traits. On the other hand, it seems that the simulation can reduce the clinical stress of nursing students and that this effect is stable four months after simulation. The simulation would thus have a preventive effect on the stress. These results make it possible to support proposals for the development of this pedagogical method in initial and in-service training.