1. Lynch A, Sobuwa S, Castle N. Barriers to the implementation of prehospital thrombolysis in the treatment of ST-segment myocardial infarction in South Africa: An exploratory inquiry. African Journal of Emergency Medicine 2020.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.afjem.2020.08.001 2. Sobuwa S, McKenna S. The obstinate notion that higher education is a meritocracy. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning 2019; 7(2): 1-15.
3. Sobuwa S, Lord B. A self-determination theory perspective on student success in attaining an emergency care degree. African Journal of Health Professions Education 2019; 11(4): 114-117.
4. Mchunu T.B., Ross A, Sobuwa S. Understanding and management of low back pain: A qualitative study of perceptions of traditional healers at the Warwick Muthi Market in Durban, South Africa. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences 2019; 25(3): 404-417.
5. Khoza T, Mshunqane N, Sobuwa S. Peace Support Operations in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived experiences of Emergency Care Providers during external deployment. South Journal of Military Studies 2019; 47(1): 95-107
6. Sobuwa S, Lord B. Factors related to academic success among paramedic students. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 2019; 16: 01-06.
7. Sobuwa S, Christopher L. EMS Education in South Africa: The Past, Present and Future. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 2019; 16: 01-05.
8. Bester BH, Sobuwa S. Utilisation of prehospital intravenous access. South African Medical Journal 2014; 104(9): 615-618.
9. Sobuwa S, Hartzenberg HB, Geduld H, Uys C. Predicting outcome in severe traumatic brain injury using a simple prognostic model. South African Medical Journal 2014; 104(7): 492-494.
10. Spicer R, Sobuwa S. Medico-legal documents of patient refusal for treatment and transport to a medical facility are poorly completed. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 2014; 7(2): 64-68.
11. Sobuwa S, Hartzenberg HB, Geduld H, Uys C. Outcomes following prehospital airway management in severe traumatic brain injury. South African Medical Journal 2013; 103 (9): 644-646.