Sampson FC, Goodacre SW & O'Cathain A (2019) The Reality of Pain Scoring in the Emergency Department: Findings From a Multiple Case Study Design.. Annals of Emergency Medicine.
O'Cathain A, Sampson F, Strong M, Pickin M, Goyder E & Dixon S (2015) Do marginal investments made by NHS healthcare commissioners in the UK produce the outcomes they hope to achieve? Observational study. BMJ Open, 5(11), e009336.
Sampson FC, Goodacre SW & O'Cathain A (2014) Interventions to improve the management of pain in emergency departments: systematic review and narrative synthesis.. Emerg Med J, 31(e1), e9-e18.
Sampson F, O'Cathain A, Strong M, Pickin M & Esmonde L (2012) Commissioning processes in primary care trusts: a repeated cross-sectional survey of health care commissioners in England.. J Health Serv Res Policy, 17 Suppl 1, 31-39.
Sampson F, Goodacre S, Carter A & Wailoo A (2011) Improving call-to-balloon times for ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 3(11), 625-631.
Wailoo A, Goodacre S & Sampson F (2011) The cost-effectiveness of primary angioplasty reply. HEART, 97(2), 163-163.
Goodacre S, Gray A, Newby D, Dixon S, Masson M, Sampson F, Nicholl J, Elliot M, Crane S & 3CPO Investigators (2011) Health utility and survival after hospital admission with acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema.. Emerg Med J, 28(6), 477-482.
Sampson FC, O'Cathain A & Goodacre S (2010) Is primary angioplasty an acceptable alternative to thrombolysis? Quantitative and qualitative study of patient and carer satisfaction.. Health Expect, 13(4), 350-358.
Pickin M, O'Cathain A, Sampson F, Salisbury C & Nicholl J (2010) The impact of Advanced Access on antibiotic prescribing: a controlled before and after study.. Fam Pract, 27(5), 554-555.
Wailoo A, Goodacre S, Sampson F, Alava MH, Asseburg C, Palmer S, Sculpher M, Abrams K, de Belder M & Gray H (2010) Primary angioplasty versus thrombolysis for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: an economic analysis of the National Infarct Angioplasty project.. Heart, 96(9), 668-672.
Gray A, Goodacre S, Nicholl J, Masson M, Sampson F, Elliott M, Crane S, Newby DE & 3CPO Trialists (2010) The Development of a Simple Risk Score to Predict Early Outcome in Severe Acute Acidotic Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema The 3CPO Score. CIRC-HEART FAIL, 3(1), 111-117.
Carter A, Wood S, Goodacre S, Sampson F & Stables R (2010) Evaluation of workforce and organizational issues in establishing primary angioplasty in England.. J Health Serv Res Policy, 15(1), 6-13.
Gray AJ, Goodacre S, Newby DE, Masson MA, Sampson F, Dixon S, Crane S, Elliott M, Nicholl J & 3CPO SI (2009) A multicentre randomised controlled trial of the use of continuous positive airway pressure and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the early treatment of patients presenting to the emergency department with severe acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: the 3CPO trial.. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 13(33), 1-106.
Gray AJ, Goodacre S, Newby DE, Masson MA, Sampson F, Dixon S, Crane S, Elliott M, Nicholl J & 3CPO Study Investigators (2009) A multicentre randomised controlled trial of the use of continuous positive airway pressure and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the early treatment of patients presenting to the emergency department with severe acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: the 3CPO trial. HEALTH TECHNOL ASSES, 13(33), 1-+.
Sampson F, O'Cathain A & Goodacre S (2009) Feeling fixed and its contribution to patient satisfaction with primary angioplasty: a qualitative study.. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 8(2), 85-90.
Salisbury C, Sampson F, Ridd M & Montgomery AA (2009) How should continuity of care in primary health care be assessed?. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 59(561).
Salisbury C, Sampson F, Ridd M & Montgomery AA (2009) How should continuity of care in primary health care be assessed?. British Journal of General Practice, 59(561), 276-282.
Sampson F, Pickin M, O'Cathain A, Goodall S & Salisbury C (2008) Impact of same-day appointments on patient satisfaction with general practice appointment systems.. Br J Gen Pract, 58(554), 641-643.
Gray A, Goodacre S, Newby DE, Masson M, Sampson F, Nicholl J & 3CPO Trialists (2008) Noninvasive ventilation in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. NEW ENGL J MED, 359(2), 142-151.