King, C., Williams, B., Boyle, M., Clegg, L. Devenish, S., Kamphuis, C., King, J. and Reid, D. Contra power Harassment in Paramedicine: Experiences of Academic Staff in Australian Universities, Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 2022, 19
Svensson, A., Bremer, A., Rantala, A., Anderson, H., Devenish, S., Williams, J. and Holmberg, M. Ambulance clinicians’ attitudes to older patients’ self-determination when the patient has impaired decision-making ability: a Delphi study. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2022 17(2)
Drew, P., Tippett, V. & Devenish, S. Paramedic occupational violence mitigation: a
comprehensive systematic review of emergency service worker prevention strategies and experiences for use in prehospital care. BMJ Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021, 78 (11)
Hobbs, L., Devenish, S., Long, D., Tippett, V. Facilitators barriers and motivators of paramedic continuing professional development. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 2021, 18
Devenish, S., Rolley, A., Long, D. Investigating career intentions of undergraduate paramedic students studying in Queensland, Australia. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 2020, 17
Hobbs, L., Devenish S., Long, DL, Tippett, V. 2019. Facilitators and Barrier for Paramedic Continuous Professional Development International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2020. Vol 19 p31
Devenish, AS., McKay, G., Long, DN., Horrocks, P. & Smith, M. Paramedic students working in snow resort medical clinics: a non-traditional interprofessional clinical placement model. Irish Journal of Paramedicine, 2019. 4(1)
Long, D. Hobbs, L.R. & Devenish, S. Rote Learning: The Ugly Duckling of Student Paramedic Education? Irish Journal of Paramedicine, 2018. 3 (2).
Long, D. Lea, J & Devenish, S, The conundrum of defining paramedicine: more than just what paramedics 'do', Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 2018. 15 (1).
Devenish, S. Developing a Research Culture in Paramedicine. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 2016. 13 (4).
Long, D., Clark, M., Lim, D. and Devenish. S. What’s in a name? The confusion in nomenclature of low-acuity specialist roles in paramedicine. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 2016. 13 (3).
Devenish, S., Clark, M. and Fleming, ML. Experiences in Becoming a Paramedic, Creative Education, 2016. 7(6): 786 – 801.
Devenish, S., Clark, M., Fleming, ML., Tippett, V. Australian paramedic graduates transitioning into UK NHS ambulance services: what are the potential challenges? Journal of Paramedic Practice, 2015; 7(10): 492-498
Devenish, Anthony Scott (2014) Experiences in becoming a paramedic : a qualitative study examining the professional socialisation of university qualified paramedics. PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.