Opinion pieces:
Wankhade, P. (2018). The crisis in NHS Ambulance Services in the UK: Let’s deal with the ‘elephants in the room’! Ambulance Today, Vol.15, No. 1. pp. 13-17.
The Conversation-How to reboot Britain’s fractured emergency services
Emergency Nurse (RCNi), Vo. 25, No. 4, pp.14-New thinking needed for emergency services
Public Sector Focus, issue 11, July/August 2017, pp. 60-61-Emergency Services Integration and Austerity: Reform to ‘Transform’
Journal Articles
Wankhade, P., Heath, G. and Radcliffe, J. (2018). Culture change and perpetuation in organisations: evidence from an English ambulance service. Public Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 934-948.
Wankhade, P. and Miller, D. (2018). Emergency Management Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 7, No. 1. pp. 2-3.
Wankhade, P. and Miller, D. (2017). Emergency Management Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 82-83.
Schedlitzki, D., Edwards, G., Gaggiotti, H., Wankhade, P. and Ahonen, P. M. (2017). Working with language: a refocused research agenda for cultural leadership studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 237-257.
Wankhade, P. and Miller, D. (2017). Emergency Management Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 2-3.
Wankhade, P. (2016). Staff perceptions and changing role of pre-hospital profession in the UK ambulance services: an exploratory study. International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 126-144.
Wankhade, P. and Miller, D. (2016). Emergency Management and Organisational Resilience, Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp. 106-109.
Wankhade, P. and Miller, D. (2016). Emergency Management and Organisational Resilience, Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 5, No. 1. pp. 4-6.
Andrews, R. and Wankhade, P. (2016). Regional Variations in Emergency Service Performance: Does Social Capital Matter?, Regional Studies, Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 2037-2052.
Halsall, J.P., Wankhade, P. and Cook, I.G. (2015). Global Perspectives on Volunteerism: Analysing the role of the State, Society and Social Capital, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 36, No. 7/8, pp. 456-468.
Wankhade, P. (2015). Emergency Management and Organisational Resilience, Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 4, No. 2. pp. 4-6.
Wankhade, P. and Shankaran, S. (2015). Emergency Management and Organisational Resilience: Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol.4, No. 1. pp. 4-9.
Wankhade, P., Halsall, J.P., and Cook, I.G. (2015). The British big society effect: the challenges of the third sector, International Journal of Sustainable Society, Vol.7, No.4, pp.309-321.
Wankhade, P. and Brinkman, J. (2014). The negative consequences of culture change management: evidence from a UK NHS ambulance service, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 27, No. 1. pp. 2-25.
Heath, G. and Wankhade, P. (2014). A Balanced Judgement?: Performance Indicators, Quality and the English Ambulance Service; some issues, developments and a research agenda. The Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-17.
Wankhade, P., Murphy, P. and Greenhalgh, K. (2014). Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 3, No. 2. pp. 4-5.
Wankhade, P., Murphy, P. and Greenhalgh, K. (2014). Editorial, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 3, No. 1. pp. 4-5.
Wankhade, P., Cook, I. G. and Halsall, J.P. (2014). Ethnic Minorities and their Health Needs: Crisis of Perception and Behaviours, Illness, Crisis and Loss, Vol.22, No. 2, pp. 145-158.
Halsall, J.P., Wankhade, P. and Cook, I.G. (2014). The Big Society Debate: Is it a Panacea for Reducing the Impact of Welfare Cuts in Public Health?, World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4. No. 1. pp. 167–175.
Wankhade, P. (2013). Facing the Future: Latest Fire and Rescue Services Reforms Proposal- Time for a real debate? Emergency Services Times, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 18-19. (June, 2013).
Halsall, J., Cook, I. G. and Wankhade, P. (2013). Understanding Community Governance: A Global Perspective, International Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol. 3, No. 5. pp 1112-1127.
Halsall, J. P., Wankhade, P. and Cook, I. ( 2013).The Big Society in a Time of Crisis – the Impact on Public Health, Illness, Crisis and Loss, Vol. 21, No. 4. pp. 341-353.
Wankhade, P. (2012). Different cultures of management and their relationships with organisational performance: evidence from the UK ambulance service, Public Money & Management. Vol. 32, No.5. pp. 381-388.
Wankhade, P. and Barton, H.(2012). Conceptualising a Police Performance Framework in an Era of Financial Constraint, Policing Today, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2012. pp. 44-46.
Wankhade, P. and Murphy, P. (2012).Bridging the theory and practice gap in emergency services research: case for a new journal, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol.1, No. 1. p. 4-9.
Wankhade, P. and Murphy, P. (2012). Editorial: International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol.1, No. 2. pp.108-110.
Wankhade, P. and Barton, H.(2012). Police Performance Framework: a Model. Policing Today, Vol. 18, No. 4, p. 41, December 2012.
Wankhade, P. (2011). Performance measurement and the UK emergency ambulance service: Unintended Consequences of the ambulance response time targets, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 24, No. 5. pp. 382-402.
Wankhade, P. (2011). Emergency Services in Austerity: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Perspectives for the ambulance service in the UK, Ambulance Today, Vol.8, No. 5. pp. 13-15.
Edited/authored Books
*Wankhade, P. and Patnaik, S. (2019). Blue light Integration’: Interoperability and Collaboration between Emergency Services: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. Palgrave Macmillan: London.
*Wankhdae, P., McCann, L. and Murphy, P. (eds.) (2018). Critical Perspectives on the Management and Organization of Emergency Services. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group ISBN Hb: 978-1-138-09765-0; ISBN eBook: 978-1-315-10444-7.
Murphy, P. and Geenhalgh, K. (2017). Fire & Rescue Services: Leadership & Management Perspectives: Springer Publications: New York. ISBN 978-3-319-62155-5. (Series Editor).
Wankhade, P. and Mackway-Jones, K. (eds.)(2015). Ambulance Services: Leadership & Management Perspectives: Springer Publications: New York. ISBN 978-3-319-18641-2.
Wankhade, P. and Weir, D.(eds.)(2015). Police Services: Leadership & Management Perspectives: Springer Publications: New York. ISBN 978-3-319-16567-7.
Cook, I. G.; Halsall, J.P. and Wankhade, P. (2014). Social Capital, Sociability and Community Development- A Public Health Perspective, Springer Publications: New York. ISBN 9783319114835
Peer reviewed Book chapters
Heath, G., Radcliffe, J. and Wankhade, P. (2018) Performance Management in the Public Sector: The Case of the English Ambulance Service. In: Harris, Elaine (ed). The Routledge Companion to Performance Management and Control. Routledge, London, pp. 417-438. ISBN 9781138913547.
Wankhade, P. and Cook, I.G. (2016). A Model for Change: Sharing Ideas and Strategies. In Halsall, J.P. and Snowden, M. (eds.) The Pedagogy of the Social Sciences Curriculum, Springer: US.
Wankhade, P., Radcliffe, J. and Heath, G. (2015). Organisational and Professional Cultures: An Ambulance Perspective. in Wankhade, P. and Mackway-Jones, K. (eds.) Ambulance Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives, Springer: New York.
Wankhade, P. and Mackway-Jones, K. (2015). Introduction: Understanding the Management of Ambulance Services. in Wankhade, P. and Mackway-Jones, K. (eds.) Ambulance Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives, Springer: New York.
Mackway-Jones, K. and Wankhade, P. (2015). Future perspectives for the UK Ambulance Services Evolution Rather than Revolution in Wankhade, P. and Mackway-Jones, K. (eds.) Ambulance Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives, Springer: New York
Wankhade, P. and Weir, D. (2015).Introduction: Understanding the Management of Police Services. in Wankhade, P. and Weir, D. (eds.) Police Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives, Springer: New York.
Weir, D. and Wankhade, P. (2015). Some Futures for the Police: Scenario and Science. in Wankhade, P. and Weir, D.(eds.) Police Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives, Springer: New York.
Wankhade, P. and Brinkman, J. (2011). Dilemmas of ambulance professionals in attending to an emergency within eight minutes: The ethics of target setting in Weir, D.T.H and Sultan, N. (eds) From Critique to Action: the practical ethics of the organisational world , Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle –Upon-Tyre, pp. 106-129.
Peer reviewed Conference publications
Wankhade, P. and Patnaik, K. (2018). Blue light Integration: a pipe dream? The 22nd Annual International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Center for Service Excellence, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, Scotland, 11-13 April 2018.
Wankhade, P. (2018). Workforce resilience and wellbeing in the emergency services: perspective from the UK. The 22nd Annual International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Center for Service Excellence, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, Scotland, 11-13 April 2018.
Stokes, P., Wankhade, P. and Tarba, S. (2017). Ambidexterity, interoperability and the notion of extreme and normal experiences in emergency service contexts: Surfacing dynamics, dialectics and trajectories. The 10th International Critical Management Studies (CMS) Conference, 3-5 July 2017, Liverpool.
Wankhade, P. (2017). Hitting the Target, Missing the Point: Case of Ambulance Performance Management. International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, April 19-21, 2017.
Wankhade, P. (2017). Discrimination, harassment and sickness in the UK ambulance services: Implications for future research. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2017 Conference, University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, Scotland. 21 June – 24th June 2017.
Wankhade, P., Radcliffe, J. and Heath , G. (2016). Coordination of Emergency Services and the Problem of Governance: A UK Perspective. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2016 Conference, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), Paris, France. 1 June – 4th June 2016.
Wankhade, P., Halsall, J. and Cook, I. (2016). Volunteerism in the age of austerity: an international perspective. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2016 Conference, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), Paris, France. 1 June – 4th June 2016.
Wankhade, P. (2015). Let us Learn: The Curious Case of Ambulance Performance Management. Public Management & Governance Track, British Academy of Management Conference, University of Portsmouth, UK. 8th-10th September 2015.
Wankhade, P. (2015). The Logic of Target Setting: Case of Ambulance Performance Management System. International Research Society for Public Management Conference, University of Birmingham, UK. 30th March -1st April 2015.
Wankhade, P., Heath, G. and Radcliffe, J. (2015). Cultural perpetuation analysis in the emergency ambulance services in the UK: Implications for international practice. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2015 Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland. 16h June – 20th June 2015.
Wankhade, P., Weir, D. and van Bunt, S. (2015). Servant-Leadership in Times of Crises and Emergencies and Disasters: A Critical Perspective. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2015 Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland. 16h June – 20th June 2015.
Wankhade, P. (2014). Exploration and implications of the long work patterns in the UK National Health Service (NHS): an emergency health perspective. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2014 Conference, University of Valencia, Spain. 4th June – 7th June 2014.
Wankhade, P. and Andreoni, V. (2014). Voluntary participation and social capital: the mediating role of economic growth. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2014 Conference, University of Valencia, Spain. 4th June – 7th June 2014.
Wankhade, P., Halsall, J.P. and Cook, I. (2014). Ambulance service and health inequalities: an exploratory study. Teaching Public Administration – Public Administration Committee (TPA-PAC) Conference, University of Liverpool, UK. 9th June – 11th June 2014.
Halsall, J. P., Wankhade, P. and Cook, I. (2014). The British Big Society Effect: The Challenges of the Third Sector. The British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference, Leeds, UK. 23rd April – 25th April 2014.
Wankhade, P., Halsall, J.P. and Cook, I. (2014). The Influence of Sociability, Social Capital, and Community Development on Public Health, Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference, Seoul, South Korea. 8th January – 10th January 2014.
Wankhade, P. (2013). An ethnographic exploration of the ambulance personnel: adrenalin junkies or health professionals? The 8th International Critical Management Studies Conference, University of Manchester, UK. 10th July - 12th July 2013.
Wankhade, P. (2013). Performance Framework for ambulance service in the era of austerity: lessons and implications for the future, Public Administration Committee Conference, Edinburg University, UK. 9th September - 11th September 2013.
Schedlitzki, D., Ahonen, P., Edwards, G., Gaggiott, H. and Wankhade, P. (2013). Leadership and language: a research agenda, 29th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Montreal, Canada. 3rd July - 6th July 2013.
Barton, H. and Wankhade, P. (2013). Occupational sub-cultures and its link to organisational performance in the emergency services: A comparative account of ambulance & police services in the UK, British Academy of Management Conference, University of Liverpool, UK. (Public Management & Governance Track). 11th September - 13th September.
Wankhade, P., Cook, I. and Halsall, J.P. (2013). Ethnic Minorities and their Health Needs: Crisis of Perception and Behaviours, Paper to be presented at the Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, British Sociological Association, The University of York, UK. 11th – 13th September 2013.
Halsall, J., Cook, I. Oberoi, R. and Wankhade, P. (2013). The Evolving Role of Community Governance: Case Studies of the UK and India, Healthy Communities; Hopeful Places: In Defence of Planning, UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, University of West of England, UK. 11th September - 13th September 2014.
Halsall, J. P., Wankhade, P. and Cook, I. (2013). The Big Society debate: panacea for reducing the impact of welfare cuts in public health?, 6th International Business and Social Science Research Conference, Dubai. 3rd January - 4th January 2013.
Wankhade, P. and Barton, H. (2013). Exploring and examining the empirical link between occupational sub-cultures and organisational performance in the emergency services, European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2013 Conference, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey. 26th June - 29th June 2013.
Barton, H. and Wankhade, P. (2013). Operationalizing a police performance management system, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2013, Twenty Fourth Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. 3rd May – 6th May 2013.
Wankhade, P. (2012). Emergency Services & Praxis, Symposium Chair, British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff University, UK (Public Management & Governance Track). 13th September - 15th September 2012.
Wankhade, P. and Barton, H. (2012). Measuring police performance during austerity: a conceptual framework. British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff University, UK (Performance Management track). 13th September - 15th September 2012.
Wankhade, P. (2012). Interoperability amongst emergency services: Issues, opportunity and challenges, Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Plymouth, UK. 18th July - 19th July 2012.
Wankhade, P. (2012). What managers really do: understanding middle management’s strategic role in the UK emergency ambulance service. Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Plymouth, UK. 18th July - 19th July 2012.
Barton, H. and Wankhade, P. (2012). Conceptualising a Police Performance Management System in an Era of Financial Constraint. Performance Management Association (PMA) 2012 Conference: From Strategy to Delivery, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK. 11th July - 13th July 2012.
Wankhade, P. and Brinkman, J. (2011). Public leadership in the era of austerity: Challenges and opportunities in the English NHS emergency ambulance services. The 13th Annual International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference, One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership, London, UK. 26th October - 29th October 2011.
Wankhade, P., O’Siochru,C. and Brinkman, J. (2011). Leadership behaviour in the Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Evidence from the UK. British Academy of Management Conference, Ashton University, UK. 13th September - 15th September 2011.
Andrews, R. and Wankhade, P. (2011). Social capital and emergency service performance: Evidence from NHS ambulance trusts. British Academy of Management Conference, Ashton University, UK. 13th September - 15th September 2011.
Phillips, J., Wankhade, P., Fisher, A., and Weir, D.T.H. (2011). The double helix of transactional and transformational leadership: comparative case-study of blended leadership in the UK emergency response services. British Academy of Management Conference, Ashton University, UK. 13th September - 15th September 2011.
Barton, H. and Wankhade, P. (2011). Police reforms: Is the High Performance Police System (HPPS) model a way forward? Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Birmingham, UK. 5th September - 6th September 2011.
Heath, G., Radcliffe, J. and Wankhade, P. (2011).In the Balance? Performance Measurement and the English Ambulance Service: some issues and developments. Public Administration Committee Conference, University of Birmingham, UK. 5th September - 6th September 2011.
Wankhade, P. and Brinkman, J. (2010). Redemption through Reframing: How Police officers and Emergency Ambulance Staff explain themselves: A UK perspective. Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 4th August - 5th August 2010.
Wankhade, P. and Brinkman, J. (2010). The unintended outcomes of culture management initiatives: Evidence from a UK Emergency Response Service. British Academy of Management Conference, The University of Sheffield, UK. 14th - 16th September 2010.
Wankhade, P. (2009). Performance measurement and the UK emergency ambulance service: Unintended Consequences of the ambulance response time targets. Public Administration Committee Conference, Glamorgan University, 7th - 9th September 2009, UK.
Wankhade, P., Brinkman, J. and Weir, D.T.H. (2009). Halfway down the pier and looking for a place to jump: Organisational subcultures and service delivery in emergency services. British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK. 15th September - 17th September 2009.
Wankhade, P. (2009). Exploration of relationship between organisational culture and performance in emergency health services: an ethnographic perspective of an NHS ambulance service. 2nd Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences, 6-7 September 2007, Keele University, UK 2009
Wankhade, P. (2008). Evaluation of the organisational capacity and service delivery model in a healthcare organisation: Evidence from an ethnographic case study in an English NHS Ambulance Trust. XII Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. 26th March -28th March 2008.