Andrew Van Noordenburg


Andrew Van Noordenburg


Doctorate Title: Identifying the educational needs and learning motivations for paramedic preceptors to undergraduate students. A mixed methods study.

Doctorate Description: This study's aims are twofold. First, to explore the skills, knowledge and attributes required by paramedics to perform the preceptor role to Australian student paramedics. Second, to describe the motivations of paramedics for undertaking preceptor education to support student paramedics. An explanatory sequential mixed methods design will be used to achieve this. Explanatory sequential mixed methods involve collecting quantitative data first and using these results to be further explored in the qualitative phase. In the first, quantitative phase, survey data will be obtained from Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) registered paramedics and student paramedics to assess what knowledge, skills and attributes are required for paramedics to precept student paramedics. The quantitative data will also explore the motivations for paramedics to undertake a preceptor education program. Through the perspectives of Ahpra registered paramedic preceptors and student paramedics, the second, qualitative phase will undertake group interviews to understand why certain skills, knowledge and attributes are required for paramedic preceptors. It will also explore why certain motivations exist towards preceptor education programs. In the final integration phase, qualitative data will be used alongside the quantitative data to produce recommendations for paramedic preceptor education.


Type: PhD
University: Australian Catholic University
Primary Supervisor: Dr Scott Devenish
Category: Education
Start Date: 2023
End Date: 2028
Status: Ongoing



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