Doctorate Title: Preparedness for practice: a grounded theory study of paramedicine graduates.
Doctorate Description: The “preparedness for practice” concept is difficult to quantify into a single construct. Previously it has been poorly defined within paramedic and other healthcare research, with the terms often used synonymously and erroneously. The literature acknowledges the factors that impede clinical learning although the impact on preparedness is not clearly identified. The aim of this grounded theory study is to explore the development of a paramedic undergraduate preparedness for practice theory from an international, industry and academic perspective. Intensive face-to-face interviews and focus group sessions will explore the perceptions of preparedness for practice, how the theoretical knowledge is transferred into professional know-how, and the environment in which they deem the know-how is best developed. The qualitative data will be explored using a social constructivist lens; open, focused and axial coding allowing the theory to emerge from, and grounded within, the data.