Journal articles Townsend, R (2017) What Australian and Irish paramedic registrants can learn from the UK: lessons in developing professionalism. Irish Journal of Paramedicine Vol 2, No 2.
Baron, A and Townsend, R (2017) Live tweeting by ambulance services: a growing concern. Journal of Paramedic Practice. Vol 9. No. 7
Friel, S, Hattersley, L and Townsend, R (2015) Trade and Access to Healthcare. AnnRevPublicHealth Vol 36.
Bradley, J, Townsend, R, Eburn, M (2015) Empowering paramedics under mental health legislation in the ACT. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 12(4)
Arnold, B and Townsend, R (2015)' Workplace drug testing: a matter of procedure rather than privacy principles?' Privacy Law Bulletin Vol 12 No.10
Townsend, R, Huntingford, S and Hingley, P (2012) A trip to Kokoda. Medical Students Journal of Australia.
Townsend R, Klar D, Faunce T.(2011) What Makes a Real Man? Gender Norms and WA v AH. Journal of Law and Medicine 18: 478-497.
Townsend, R and Faunce, T (2011) Condliff v North Staffordshire Primary Care Trust : Relying on Human Rights to Improve Inequities in Privatised HealthCare— Implications for UK and Australian Health System Reforms . Journal of Law and Medicine. Vol 19 No 2.
Faunce, T and Townsend, R (2011) The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – challenges for domestic health and medicines policy. Medical Journal of Australia 194 (2) 83-86.
Faunce TA and Townsend, R (2011) Justins v The Queen. Assisted Suicide, Juries and the Discretion to Prosecute. Journal of Law and Medicine 18: 706-715.
Faunce TA, Townsend, R and Reardon K. (2010) Reducing injustice from recent legislation subsidising insurance and restricting civil liability. Journal of Law and Medicine. 15(5): 729-735
Townsend, R (2010) Book Review: Vital Conflicts in Medical Ethics: A Virtue Approach to Craniotomy and Tubal Pregnancies. Journal of American Medical Association (303:2416-2417).
Townsend R and Luck M (2009) Protective jurisdiction, patient autonomy and paramedics: the challenges of applying the NSW Mental Health Act. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care. Vol 7 No.4.
Townsend R (2008) Public health policy, legal uncertainty and the standard of care in rural and remote communities. Journal of Law and Medicine; 15 (5) 693-703.
Townsend R and Giles D (2006)End of life decision and the NSW Guardianship Act: a square peg in a round hole? The law and clinical practice. Australian Health Law Bulletin Vol 15 No 1 September 2006.
Books and book chapters
Townsend R and Luck, M (eds)( (2nd ed forthcoming) Paramedic law, ethics and professionalism. Elsevier.
Townsend, R (forthcoming) - ‘Law and the emergency setting’ in Textbook of Advanced Emergency and Trauma Care’. (3rd ed) Edited by Curtis and Ramsden. Elsevier.
Townsend, R et al (forthcoming) ‘Paramedic Law’ in Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice (2nd ed). Wiley Press. Edited by Sam Willis
Townsend, R (2013) End of life decision making in paramedic practice in Applied law and ethics in paramedic practice.
Townsend, R (2013) The law and medication administration in paramedic practice in Applied law and ethics in paramedic practice.
Townsend, R (2013) The Australian Legal System in Applied law and ethics in paramedic practice.
Townsend, R and Luck, M (2013) Why is an understanding of law and ethics important for the professional development of paramedics? In Applied law and ethics in paramedic practice.
Luck, M, Steer, B and Townsend, R (2013) PRECARE: An ethical decision making model for paramedic practice in Applied law and ethics in paramedic practice
Townsend, R and Luck, M (editors) (2013) Applied law and ethics in paramedic practice. Elsevier.
Faunce, T and Townsend, R (2011) 'Advance care directives in Australia.' ""Between Life and Death: Regulating Advance Directives. National and International Perspectives"". edited by Stefania Negri, University of Salerno.
Townsend, R (2011) Chapter 9: Legal and Ethical Issues in Videbeck's Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. Lippincott, Chatswood.
Townsend, R (2010) - 'Law and the emergency setting' (2nd ed) in Textbook of Advanced Emergency and Trauma Care'. Edited by Curtis and Ramsden. Elsevier.
Faunce TA and Townsend R (2010) ""Health and Medicines Policies"" in Kelsey J (ed) No Ordinary Deal :Unmasking the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement. Allen & Unwin Sydney pg 149-162. 735